M’s online community

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What’s New

Jul. 1. 2023 : Temporary suspension of service
This site is temporarily out of updates

Online Shop and Services

Shopping and Payment

With free raffle points!

Free Raffle

Someone wins every day!

Member’s business advertising

Individual Service

EC Agent


FREE Support Membership (Tagalog)

Introduction (Tagalog)

The place where everyone wants to get together
We sell experiences rather than products
Please participate in your native language

The purpose of this community

  • Find out and solve your questions and answers to what you want to know
  • To bring together everyone’s abilities and provide a place where they can help each other
  • Eliminate the language barrier in your life

We will look up any trivial questions or information in response to your request !!

For Web search (information survey) in Japanese, simply enter your membership number and what you want to know from the service application page and send it, and we will answer for free.

Of course, the input is OK in your native language! However, since the staff is Japanese, please use easy-to-understand expressions!

Member Page