PayPay Page

  • Benefits of PayPay
  • How to use PayPay in M’s Online Community

Benefits of PayPay

< Can be used at stores nationwide >

It can be used at various stores such as convenience stores, drug stores, and restaurants. In addition, it also supports online services and payment of utility bills.

< Shopping is advantageous >

Earn PayPay bonuses when you shop. We also offer advantageous campaigns and coupons!

< Send your balance to friends and family >

You can easily send your PayPay balance to a distant partner. No need for troublesome bills or coins.

< Can be used safely and securely >

In addition to information protection and measures against unauthorized use, there is also a compensation system so that you can use it with peace of mind.

How to use PayPay in M’s Online Community

< Member Login >

Click link and move to Login page
Input Username or Email and Password
*Initial password : Your birthday(yyyymmdd)-Your First name -> Ex : 19520630-John

< Move to Online Store >

< Select items >

Select items with click ” ADD TO CART “, then click ” View cart “

< Check cart >

Check the contents of the cart and click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” if there is no problem.

< Checkout >

Click “PLACE ORDER” (Billing Detail is automatically entered)

< Payment >

Click “PAY” to complete the payment (order)

Setting of PayPay

< Installation on smartphone >

① Input Phone No. and Password ② Receive PIN ③ Input PIN ④ Done

Install from App Store (Apple) : Click here!

Install from Google Play (Android) : Click Here!

< Language Setting >

① Account ② Press “言語変更” ③ Select “English” ④ Press “Change to English”

< Payment Setting >

Type-A : Payment from cash charge on ATM(Seven-Eleven/Lawson)

①Press “スマートフォンでの取引” or “スマホ取引” on ATM ②Press “Charge” on your phone ③Select “ATM Charge” ④Scan QR-Code on ATM ⑤ Input No. that indicate on the phone
⑥Put your cash into the ATM ⑦Press “確認” ⑧Done

Type-B : Payment from bank account

①Press[・・・] ②Press “Add Bank” ③Select your bank ④Input your Account ⑤Operate according to the procedure for each bank

Type-C : Payment from Credit card

①Press[・・・] ②Press “Add Card” ③Scan your card ④Input your Account ⑤Done